作者:无锡别墅花园设计    发布于:2019-04-05 20:27:41    文字:【】【】【






一等奖:《归去来——瑞昌工业遗产旅游地规划设计》第154组 大连工业大学 姬昆元、李芳、宋文菁、王珊、曾子轩;

二等奖:《大地之上——实现多产的后工业生态景观》 第368组 University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign(伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校)夏阳、卢欣媛、杨思嘉、杨奕、曾为;

《浮 · 动——点轴理论规划下江州造船厂规划设计》第369组 四川农业大学 马杰、纪丹、黄斯靖、陈秋渝、李嘉斌;

三等奖:《多元共生,船承融声》第001组 西安理工大学 郑崇栋、范文鹭;

《更生 · 寻续——IVE模式下的瑞昌全域旅游规划》第092组 四川农业大学 江宋雪阳、陈忆湄、代汝楠、龙美霖、何玲;

《新三线计划——区景一体化目标下的全域旅游共生体系构建》第300组 西南大学、重庆大学 罗方青、李敏、曾琪芮、明钰童、黄滔;

最佳创意奖:《四脉重生,万家工城——瑞昌市全域性旅游工业体验规划设计》070组 南京林业大学 陶源、罗树柔、徐睿、刘敏、姜戴裕;

最佳表达奖:《更生 · 寻续——IVE模式下的瑞昌全域旅游规划》第092组 四川农业大学 江宋雪阳、陈忆湄、代汝楠、龙美霖、何玲;

最佳逻辑奖:《船承匞心,智汇创乡——基于工业再生+文创共享的瑞昌市全域旅游规划》014组 华中科技大学、南京林业大学 袁发娇、罗佳、田雁菱、潘子妍;

最佳场地调研奖:《忆·艺 6214——全域工业旅游背景下的江州造船厂规划》225组 深圳大学 陈云霞、杨婷婷、张婧雯、雷舒宇、麦青堃

最具网络人气奖:《千载再地,工笙业歌——文创IP下的瑞昌全域工业主题游新模式》 058组 南京农业大学,南京林业大学 王晓艺、郑鉴智、陈丽彬、张建彬、鲁遥;

最佳跨界组织奖:《新三线计划——区景一体化目标下的全域旅游共生体系构建》第300组 西南大学、重庆大学 罗方青、李敏、曾琪芮、明钰童、黄滔;

最佳视觉IP设计奖:《千载再地,工笙业歌——文创IP下的瑞昌全域工业主题游新模式》058组 南京农业大学,南京林业大学 王晓艺、郑鉴智、陈丽彬、张建彬、鲁遥;

维欧最佳可持续奖:《潮见平沙,寻泊船处》131组 华东交通大学 郭昊杨、李健豪、关盼文;

维欧最具多元化奖:《新三线计划——区景一体化目标下的全域旅游共生体系构建》第300组 西南大学、重庆大学 罗方青、李敏、曾琪芮、明钰童、黄滔;

维欧最佳适应性奖:《极限瑞昌——工业探秘IP下的极限运动休闲度假区规划》220组 南京林业大学 乔星路、咸政。

下午举办的“地脉重生”工业遗产开发与全域化工业旅游发展高峰论坛云集了海内外行业大咖、高校教授、政府相关领导,来自德国鲁尔区域协会的Paul Lawitzke先生,北京大学景观设计学研究院副院长、副教授李迪华先生,前台湾台北华山文创园区康文玲女士,西安科技大学建筑学院教授刘晖女士,建筑师、原奥运选手、皮划艇亚洲冠军高鲁东先生,华东师范大学设计学院环境艺术设计讲师伍晓雯女士,以及奥雅设计设计总监刘子明先生,奥雅设计董事总经理、洛嘉儿童主题乐园创始人李方悦女士,针对工业遗产保护与发展、文创产业研究等主题进行分享、讨论,为观众带来第一手的工业遗产保护经验,现场反响热烈。



2017"Earth Roots Renascence" Ruichang• L&A Design Star International Design Competitionwas well closed

2017 Ruichang • L&A Design Star International Design Competition Awards Ceremony and "Earth Roots Renascence", the summit forum of industry heritage and "all-for-one" industry tourism development, were hold in Ruichang Jiangxi on December 23rd.

2017 Ruichang • L&A Design Star International Design Compitition Awards Ceremony and "Earth Roots Renascence" summit forum were reported both online and offline, providing greater platform for Originality and young people, more viewpoints and opinions of industry heritage topics.

Since the last September, the compition has recieved the applications from 372 groups, more than 1600 applicants, among them there were 433 graduatestudents, and 103 efficient entries. There were more than 200,000 persons participating in the voting for these entries by new media. The TOP 6 were selected from the hotly contested voting, and 16 Excellency Awards, The Most Network Popularity Award, The Best Survey Award, The Best Crossover Group Award, The Best Visual IP Award and others, 10 awards totally..

The compititors from the TOP 8 groups gave tremendous presentation in the final, building the blueprint for the city of Ruichang, by the understanding and deep analysis of the site, industry heritage, and "all-for-one" tourism. After questionsand answers, grading and other sessions, the prize-winners were finally selected.

The First Prize:

<Go Back to The Years of Burning Passions——Plan And Design of Ruichang Industrial Heritage Tourism> Team No.154, Dalian Polytechnic University Kunyuan, Ji, Fang Li, Wenjing Song, Shan Wang and Zixuan Zeng;

The Second Prize:

<Land Beyond: Integrating Productive Landscape into Eco-Industrial Necklace> Team No.368, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Yang Xia, Xinyuan Lu, Sijia Yang, Yi Yang and Wei Zeng;

<Pole-axis Linkage: Based on the Pole-axis Development Theory, the Development Planning of the Whole Field Industrial Tourism in Ruichang City> Group 369, Sichuan Agricultural University, Jie Ma, Dan Ji, Sijing Huang, Qiuyu Chen and Jiabin Li;

The Third Prize:

<Diversification Mutuality Symbiosis, Shipyard Industry Inheritance, Cultural Industry Fusion>Team No.001, Xi'an University of Technology, Chongdong Zheng and Wenlu Fan.

<Renewing and continuing renewing for continuing: The tour project by the mode of IVE in Ruichang> Group 092, Sichuan Agricultural University, Songxueyang Jiang, Yimei Chen, Runan Dai, Meilin Long and Ling He;

<Revive the Line--Holistic Tourism Symbiosis under the Integration of Region and Landscape> Team No.300, Southwest University, Chongqing University, Fangqing Luo, Min Li, Qirui Zeng, Yutong Ming and Tao Huang.

The Best Creative Award:<Designed in Four Aspects, Built with Local Effort: Ruichang Regional Tourism Industry Experiencing Planning and Design> Team No.070, Nanjing Forestry University, Yuan Tao, Shurou Luo, Rui Xu, Min Liu and Daiyu Jiang;

The Best Presentation Award:<Renewing and continuing renewing for continuing: The tour project by the mode of IVE in Ruichang> Team No.092, Sichuan Agricultural University, Songxueyang Jiang, Yimei Chen, Runan Dai, Meilin Long and Ling He;

The Strongest Logic Award:<Inherit Ingenuity, Wisdom Come Together to Build Creative Hometown: Global Tourism Planning of Ruichang, Based on Industrial Regeneration and Cultural Sharing> Team No.014, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Nanjing Forestry University, Fajiao Yuan, Jia Luo, Yanling Tian and Ziyan Pan;

The Best Survey Award:<Memory and Skill 6214, the Development Planning of Jiangzhou Dockyard under the background of the All-for-one Industry Tourism> Team No.225, Shenzhen University, Yuanxia Chen, Tingting Yang, Jingwen Zhang, Shuyu Lei and Fangkun Mai;

The Most Network popularity Award:<Rebirth of a Historic Industrial Town: Region-based Tourism of Ruichang with the Theme of Industry> Team No.058, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing Forestry University, Xiaoyi Wang, Jianzhi Zheng, Libin Chen, Jianbin Zhang and Yao Lu;

The Best Crossover Group Award:<Revive the Line--Holistic Tourism Symbiosis under the Integration of Region and Landscape> Team No.300, Southwest University, Chongqing University, Fangqing Luo, Min Li, Qirui Zeng, Yutong Ming and Tao Huang;

The Best Visual IP Award:<Rebirth of a Historic Industrial Town: Region-based Tourism of Ruichang with the Theme of Industry> Team No.058, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing Forestry University, Xiaoyi Wang, Jianzhi Zheng, Libin Chen, Jianbin Zhang and Yao Lu;

VO-The Best Sustainability Award:<The Golden Age of Industry Had Gone, What Course to Follow?> Team No.131 East China Jiaotong University, Haoyang Guo, Jianhao Li and Panwen Guan;

VO-The Best Diversification Award:<Revive the Line--Holistic Tourism Symbiosis under the Integration of Region and Landscape> Team No.300, Southwest University, Chongqing University, Fangqing Luo, Min Li, Qirui Zeng, Yutong Ming and Tao Huang;

VO-The Best Flexibility Award:<ENERGY IN RUI CHANG---The planning of extreme sports and leisure resort under the industrial quest IP> Team No.220, Nanjing Forestry University, Xinglu Qiao and Zheng Xian.

Many professional experts, professors and government officials attended the summit forum on the afternoon. Among the guests, there were Paul Lawitzke, Director of Industry Heritage Leisure and Marketing Department of Ruhr Industrial Base association, Dihua Li, sub decanal and associate professor of The Graduate School of Landscape Architecture, Peking University, Wenling Kang, cooperation convener of Huashan Creative Park, Taipei / Taiwan Cultural-Creative Development Co. Ltd, Hui Liu, Professor in Architecture school in Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Ludong Gao, Architect, former Olympian Kayak Asian champion and national team coach, Xiaowen Wu,Lecturer of Enviornment Art Design in East China Normal University, Ziming Liu, Design Director of L&A Design Group and Clara Li, L&A Design Group Managing Director. They discussed the topics about industry heritage protection and development, and the study on culture and creative industry, shared the experiences about the heritage protection on the front lines with the audience.

2017 Ruichang • L&A Design Star International Design Competition integrated the city development of Ruichang and the industry heritage protection among the reginal scope, guided the people to pay attention to the topic of industry heritage by several methods, such as talks in universities, site visits, solicitation scheme, public voting, excellent works itinerant exhibition, and summit forum which were organized regularly. Therefore, the problems of industry heritage protection would be discussed widely, and the new journey of all-for-one tourism in industry experience area would start. The value of the design achievements from global elite students is not the final answer of the industry heritage reuse and industry tourism development in the city of Ruichang, is also the start of the thinking about the city.

The annual L&A Design Star Competition focuses on the profession events, encourages students’ transdisciplinary communication and study, breakthrough of the chronic design thoughts, trains and provides talents for the field of design. The L&A Design Star Competition contributes to the society and trade, also enriches the enterprise culture and promotes the self-value.

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